Today's life is so fast paced and uncertain. No one have time to go out and for their health and fitness. Everyone is just running for jobs, daily routine work and other things. But it is very important to take care of your body and health. Well! in this pandemic ,the year 2020 has came up with so many changes and so as the lifestyle of many people have changed this time. We all are focusing more on health this time and making immunity system more stronger doing Yoga , other exercises and other routines at home only.
Woman Squatting on Ground While Raising Both Hands
During pandemic like covid-19 , this year  you need to be very cautious about health lifestyle and maintaining you immunity boost up. This year 2020 , it has become so crucial to maintain and balance your mental and physical health simultaneously. So hey guys, i am sharing you my home wellness and fitness idea that you can take during this pandemic.
1.Yoga and Ayurveda
This time it is not possible to go out for gym or other activities so there are other options that you can have at your home only. Yoga is the best wellness idea to purify your mind, soul and physical body. This is the best way to keep your body, lifestyle and mind fit and increasing the immunity.

Woman Practicing Yoga
Deep Meditation Relaxation
2. Nutrition and Healthy Food 
During this pandemic it has become so important to take care of your health. You can have healthy food full of nutrition. These are helpful in boosting up of your immune system.
Avocado, Peanuts, and Toamtoes
3.Proper Sleep
While its is too tough for everybody to be at home the whole time , so it could be little messy and unplanned time of lifestyle. During this pandemic a good sleep is always needed because everyone's schedule will change a bit. A proper sleep is very important to keep your self healthy and fitness well.
Close-up Photography of Human Face
4.Eat Well
Eating well is as important than anything else. You don't only need to eat healthy food but also need to eat well enough. Lifestyle has changed tremendously this time. This is very helpful for fitness and body health. Overeating can be a cycle this time.
Smooties With Berries
5.Move More and More
You will be doing more sitting work at home and there will be less activity. Lifestyle this time has changed a lot. So you need to move more and more this time.
Blue Jeans

6.Eat more stress busting food 
One eats well but do you know what to eat for stress busting. Being the whole time at home can make you stressful and exerted. You really need to get the stress out this covid-19 situation because this pandemic you will be at home all the time and you need to relax and be stress free.
Person Touching Cup of Coffee and Plate with Food
7.Positive self talk
Everyone will be home this time beacuse of covid-19, so it is obvious to have stress at home. You might have problem of not going out and only staying at home the whole time. So during this pandemic you need to have a positive self talk. It is very difficult to be positive all the time but at least try to think positive during this time.
Woman Looking at Sunset
8.Medication Time
Medication is best when you face any kind of stress or other trouble. During the Covid-19 pandemic you can have tensions and other works to do. So this is the time to medicate to keep your mind and body full of energy, clear and pure.
Person Wearing Red Dress

9.Mindful listening
The mindful listening is something which is very important during this time. This time is very difficult of everyone and mindful listening can make you feel better this time. So i suggest try it on and see the results.
Candles and Incense for Meditation
10.Enjoy the Music
Music is the most healing element than anything else on this earth. Music heals pain and stress. So you can enjoy the rhythms and melody of music during this Covid-19 pandemic time.  
Brown and Black Gramophone
11.Start a home garden
What could be much better than this, this is my favorite thing to do this covid-19 lock down time, to grow a home garden. You can start working on your home garden project this time. This is the best to invest your time in.
Green Succulent Plant on Brown Wooden Table

xoxo - Geet



  1. Yes for sure yoga can make your lifestyle healthy and also help to keep your mind clean.

  2. "You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside."

    1. yes right, so keep on doing Yoga and Meditation.
